JC Mariani

May the fUS be with you
Welcome on my webpage. I am sharing here posts about my passions: Neuroscience, design and others stuffs. Enjoy the tour.

Here are the main sections of this website

There is my PhD thesis

In a nutshell:

Using fUSI to image awake mouse while injecting them some drugs. I studied mainly FC under the influence of opioids, cannabinoids and psilocybin in the hope to find fingerprints of these various pharmacological compounds (spoiler alert: we might have found one or two).

In this section, I detail the thesis content and give some tips for putative curious readers that would like to know more on neuroimaging in general, then fUSI in particular, FC and other topics orbiting around my work in Zsolt Lenkei's lab.

This one is my resume

In a nutshell:

  • Bachelor in Mathematics/Informatics
  • Master of Engineering in Physics/Biophysics
  • Master of Neurotechnology
  • PhD in Neuroscience
  • Postdoc

And some of my designs

In a nutshell:

I like to draw

I put in this section a small collection of some of these pieces. I hope you like them.


06. August 2024

   First image with the stacked probe!!! A new chapter opens at the @GozziLab.

01. August 2024

   My main PhD paper is out as a preprint.

28. June 2024

   Super happy to present our last results with Chiara Pepe on FC in anaesthetised mice at fENS2024!! Come pass by at poster PS05-28AM-474 on Friday.

19. June 2024

   I finally graduated officially from Universite Paris Cite… I have now the paper that goes with the PhD.

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